My literate EMACS config

Table of Contents

Welcome to my detailed literate EMACS (Editor for Middle-Aged Computer Scientists) configuration!

I'm using EMACS for several years now and I have tried multiple different ways of adopting it. I started with Spacemacs. Then I tried to write my own configuration framework. Also I had multiple attempts to write configuration from scratch (like here). I tried to give up and use VSCode, but it was too late for me and I returned to EMACS. I used DOOM EMACS for around a year or more and it is still my favourite distribution. If you looking for Vim-style EMACS distribution I highly recommend to try DOOM EMACS. But I found that I want to have more control over my configuration and it's more rewarding for me to write it from scratch. So I'm here again. And this time I feel that I finally discovered the approach that fits me the best. And I'm happy to share it with you!

Composed in ORG mode, this document amalgamates both configuration code and reasoning behind. Most of the code is tangled into the init.el file, with some exceptions (early-init.el, templates.eld for example). A helpful feature from Org Auto-Tangle automatically regenerates all files whenever this document is modified and saved.

Several essential aspects of my configuration are not Elisp code, but Nix code for Home Manager. I keep it in a separate repository and all EMACS-related configration is stored in the separate module.

The document structure consists of three primary sections, each is a high-level configuration goal. Relevant configurations are grouped together under subsections. When possible I name subsections with the focus on user behaviours and experience rather than technical details.

All functions, variables and modes that are defined in this document are prefixed with my- to avoid conflicts with other packages.

I do not use lazy loading in this configuration. Modern machines are fast enough to load everything at startup. So I decided to avoid all the complexity that heavy usage of lazy loading introduces.

This config primarily focuses on configuring EMACS for MacOS environment, but from time to time I make it more adjusted for my NixOS setup.

1. Make it a decent configurable editor

Vanilla EMACS doesn't act and look like a modern editor out of the box. This section focuses on making it more user-friendly and visually appealing. In addition, it includes some configuration helpers to simplify configuration process in the later sections.

The last subsection in this section is dedicated to leader keybindings. Other keybindings are defined in the corresponding subsections.

1.1. It should be obvious that generated files must not be edited

Disclaimer for early-init.el:

;; This file is a result of `org-babel-tangle` execution on `.emacs.d/`.
;; Don't change it manually.

Disclaimer for init.el:

;; This file is a result of `org-babel-tangle` execution on `.emacs.d/`.
;; Don't change it manually.

Disclaimer for templates.eld:

;; This file is a result of `org-babel-tangle` execution on `.emacs.d/`.
;; Don't change it manually.

1.2. Improve native compilation expiriense

Native compilation can provide a signifiant speedup and enabled by deafult in modern EMACS versions, but I don't want to see native compilation warnings because in the most cases it's just distraction:

(setq native-comp-async-report-warnings-errors nil)

1.3. Improve package management experience

This config uses straight.el for downloading packages instead of package.el (which is part of EMACS). straight does git checkouts instead of archive downloads. It leads to better discoverability, simplifies patching and contributing to downloaded packages. Also it allows to use lockfiles that enables reproducible builds.

I disable standard packaging system in early-init.el. It is a bit more natural than disabling it in init.el. Also I instructing EMACS to load newer files when alternatives exist. It is something that works better when set early.

(setq package-enable-at-startup nil)
(setq load-prefer-newer t)

To enable straight I need to copy-paste this bootstraping code from straight's README:

(defvar bootstrap-version)
(let ((bootstrap-file
       (expand-file-name "straight/repos/straight.el/bootstrap.el" user-emacs-directory))
      (bootstrap-version 5))
  (unless (file-exists-p bootstrap-file)
         'silent 'inhibit-cookies)
      (goto-char (point-max))
  (load bootstrap-file nil 'nomessage))

I tried different options for package configuration management: use-package, leaf and custom helpers. use-package is a standard configuration macro now, it even became part of EMACS. leaf is its alternative: cleaner, easier to extend, but adoption in community is relatively low (to be honest, I'd prefer leaf to be part of EMACS, not use-package). But both of them hide configuration details and focus on configuring packages rather than configuring features (one package can be used to address multiple features, one feature can be implemented via multiple packages). That's why I decided to use a set of small custom helpers and avoid use-package or leaf.


ORG should be loaded as early as possible to avoid conflicts with preinstalled ORG:

(straight-use-package 'org)
(require 'org)

1.4. Writing elisp functions should be convinient

"Missing parts of the language": libraries that are used by majority of developers.

List transformations:

(straight-use-package 'dash)
(require 'dash)

File operations:

(straight-use-package 'f)
(require 'f)

String manipulations:

(straight-use-package 's)
(require 's)

1.5. Optimize default limits for modern hardware

Default Garbage Collector behaviour and limits are too aggressive for modern PCs and can lead to freezes. Garbage Collector Magic Hack library introduces adaptive approach to GC. It's better to enable it early.

(straight-use-package 'gcmh)
(require 'gcmh)
(gcmh-mode 1)

Some libraries like lsp or eglot have to work with external processes that produce a lot of output. By default EMACS has a way too low limit for process output.

(setq read-process-output-max (* 1024 1024))

Some other default limits in EMACS are also unnecessary low:

(setq undo-limit (* 80 1000 1000)
      recentf-max-saved-items 1000)

1.6. Built-in features that should be enabled by default

A lot of really useful EMACS behaviours are disabled by default.

;; when you visit a file, point goes to the last place where it was
;; when you previously visited the same file
(save-place-mode 1)

;; saves minibuffer history (use M-p/n in minibuffer)
(savehist-mode 1)

;; visualization of matching parens
(show-paren-mode 1)

;; typing an open parenthesis automatically inserts the corresponding
;; closing parenthesis
(electric-pair-mode 1)

;; allows to 'undo' window configuration changes
(winner-mode 1)

;; word-based commands stop inside symbols with mixed uppercase and
;; lowercase letters, e.g. "GtkWidget", "EmacsFrameClass",
;; "NSGraphicsContext".
(global-subword-mode 1)

;; keeping track of opened files
(require 'recentf)

1.7. Better organization of auxiliary files

no-littering is an awesome package that organizes many "technical" files into .emacs.d/etc and .emacs.d/var folders. The package should be loaded as early as possible.

(straight-use-package 'no-littering)
(require 'no-littering)

;; I'm ok with security risks here but before you do this, make sure
;; you understand the risks and read the documentation of
;; no-littering-theme-backups for details

I prefer to store local customizations file under etc folder.

(setq custom-file (no-littering-expand-etc-file-name "custom.el"))

I do not need lockfiles: I never open the same file in multiple EMACS instances.

(setq create-lockfiles nil)

It's a good idea to exclude etc and var folders from recentf results.

(add-to-list 'recentf-exclude no-littering-etc-directory)
(add-to-list 'recentf-exclude no-littering-var-directory)

Native compilation cache location can be adjusted in early-init.el.

(when (fboundp 'startup-redirect-eln-cache)
    (expand-file-name  "var/eln-cache/" user-emacs-directory))))

1.8. It should look modern and comfortable

This subsection should be placed as early as possible to avoid blinking on startup.

Disable UI elements nobody interested in:

(tool-bar-mode -1)
(scroll-bar-mode -1)
(horizontal-scroll-bar-mode -1)

;; disabling menu-bar-mode on MacOS leads to incorrect
;; window maximization behaviour
(unless (eq system-type 'darwin)
  (menu-bar-mode -1))

Iosevka is my favourite font:

(let* ((family "Iosevka SS10")
       (size (if (eq system-type 'darwin)
                 18 ;; on MacOS HiDPI scaling works out of the box
               26)) ;; in Gnome HiDPI scaling doesn't work properly
       (spec (font-spec :family family :size size :weight 'semi-light)))
  (set-face-attribute 'default nil :font spec)
  ;; fixed-pitch was set to "Monospace" font by default
  (set-face-attribute 'fixed-pitch nil :family family)
  ;; variable-pitch was is set "non-monospace" font by default
  (set-face-attribute 'variable-pitch nil :family family))

Nord is my favourite theme:

(straight-use-package 'nord-theme)
(require 'nord-theme)
(load-theme 'nord t)

But it has some missing parts and some parts are designed in a way I do not like. Let's fix it! Unfortunately I haven't realized how to use custom-theme-set-faces here so I merely update global face settings. While I do not need secondary theme it's good enbough for me.

Nord palletes are used here for colors when applicable.

Related issues:

(let ((nord0 "#2E3440")
      (nord1 "#3B4252")
      (nord3 "#4C566A")
      (nord9 "#81A1C1")
      (nord10 "#5E81AC"))
   `(tab-bar ((t (:background ,nord1))))
   `(tab-bar-tab ((t (:background ,nord0
                                  :weight bold
                                  :box (:line-width -1 :style released-button)))))
   `(tab-bar-tab-inactive ((t (:foreground "gray39"
                                           :background ,nord1))))

   `(org-block ((t (:inherit org-block :background ,nord1))))
   `(org-headline-done ((t (:inherit org-headline-done :foreground ,nord10))))

Unfortunately, it's pretty common that some interfaces from 3rd-party libraries are not styled properly or look ugly. To fix it I need to know which exact faces look ugly. describe-face is a great tool to find out what face is used for a particular element, but invoking it each time is annoying. So I wrote a minor mode that shows face under current cursor position in the minibuffer.

(defun my-what-the-face ()
  "Show face under point in the minibuffer."
  (let ((face (get-char-property (point) 'face)))
    (if face
        (message "Face: %s" face)
      (message "No face at point"))))

(defvar my-what-the-face-last-point nil
  "Last point where face was described.")

(defun my-what-the-face-adviced ()
  "Show face under point in the minibuffer. (Only once after point change)"
  (unless (equal my-what-the-face-last-point (point))
    (setq my-what-the-face-last-point (point))

(define-minor-mode my-what-the-face-mode
  "Minor mode to show face under point when cursor is moved."
  :global t
  :lighter " WTFace"
  (if my-what-the-face-mode
      (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'my-what-the-face-adviced 0 t)
        (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'my-what-the-face-adviced t)))

Visible bell is super-distracting and scary (especilly in the night).

(setq visible-bell nil)

Default modeline looks too simple and distracting at the same time. I want something lightweight, laconic and fancy. doom-modeline is a great choice here.

(straight-use-package 'doom-modeline)
(setq doom-modeline-minor-modes t
      doom-modeline-buffer-encoding nil
      doom-modeline-project-detection 'project
      doom-modeline-modal-icon nil
      doom-modeline-workspace-name nil)
(require 'doom-modeline)

(doom-modeline-mode 1)

I want to see position like 123:13 instead of L123 in the modeline.

(column-number-mode 1)

I want modeline for inactive buffers to be very minimalistic.

(doom-modeline-def-modeline 'very-minimal
  '(bar buffer-info-simple)

(defun my-set-inactive-buffer-modeline ()
  (doom-modeline-set-modeline 'very-minimal))

(defun my-set-active-buffer-modeline ()
  (unless (doom-modeline-auto-set-modeline)

(defun my-set-modeline-hook ()
  (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
          (with-current-buffer buf
            (if (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer (selected-window)))

(let ((nord9 "#81A1C1"))
   `(mode-line-inactive ((t (:inherit mode-line-inactive
                                      :foreground ,nord9))))
   `(doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode ((t (:foreground ,nord9)))))) 

(add-hook 'buffer-list-update-hook #'my-set-modeline-hook)

1.9. Improve keybinding management with focus on VIM editing style

There is a joke that "EMACS is a great operating system, but lacks a good text editor". I know a fix for that: evil. It is a VIM emulation layer for EMACS. Many folks including me think that it's the best implementation of VIM that is not VIM.

First step is to install evil dependencies.

(straight-use-package 'undo-tree)
(require 'undo-tree)


(straight-use-package 'goto-chg)
(require 'goto-chg)

undo-tree is a great package that provides a more advanced undo and redo system. It's a must-have for evil. But it has an annoying behaviour: on each undo history save it shows a message in minibuffer. Sometimes it shadows important messages. I found solution here.

(defun my-undo-tree-save-history (undo-tree-save-history &rest args)
  (let ((message-log-max nil)
        (inhibit-message t))
    (apply undo-tree-save-history args)))

(advice-add 'undo-tree-save-history :around 'my-undo-tree-save-history)

Now everything is ready for evil.

;; it's required by evil-collection
(setq evil-want-keybinding nil)

(straight-use-package 'evil)

;; smaller undo steps
(setq evil-want-fine-undo t)

(setq evil-undo-system 'undo-tree)

(require 'evil)
(evil-mode 1)

Many EMACS packages do not provide VIM keybindings out of the box. But evil-collection does it for many of them. I prefer not to enable all of the collections, but only those that I really use. (And closer to the corresponding configuration sections)

(straight-use-package 'evil-collection)
(require 'evil-collection)


EMAСS has a lot of keybindings. And I'm adding even more! So it's a good idea to improve keybinding discoverability. And which-key is the best tool for that!

(setq which-key-idle-delay 0.4
      which-key-max-description-length 120)

(straight-use-package 'which-key)
(require 'which-key)


Vanilla EMACS keybindings definition system is not very convenient and sometimes hard to understand. evil adds concept of modes on top of it and makes it even more complicated. So here I feel need for a unified and easy to use keybinding definition solution. General does it perfectly by hiding complex parts behind a simple API.

(straight-use-package 'general)
(require 'general)

My first EMACS "distribution" was Spacemacs and I really liked its keybinding system. general allows to create similar keybinding definitions. And even more - define helpers tailored to my needs!

(general-create-definer my-leader-def :states
  '(normal insert emacs)
  :prefix "SPC" :non-normal-prefix "C-s-SPC")

1.10. Adjust keybindings to MacOS

Even Mitsuharu Yamamoto's EMACS build for MacOS is not tailored for keybindings that are common in MacOS GUI apps. Fortunately, it's easy to fix.

(when (eq system-type 'darwin)
  (setq locate-command "mdfind")
  (setq mac-command-modifier 'super
        mac-option-modifier 'meta)

   "s-c" 'kill-ring-save
   "s-v" 'yank
   "s-x" 'kill-region

   "s-s" 'save-buffer
   "s-o" 'find-file

   "s-a" 'mark-whole-buffer
   "s-z" 'undo
   "s-f" 'consult-line

   "s-<left>" 'beginning-of-line
   "s-<right>" 'end-of-line
   "s-<up>" 'beginning-of-buffer
   "s-<down>" 'end-of-buffer
   "M-<up>" 'backward-paragraph
   "M-<down>" 'forward-paragraph

   "s-/" 'comment-line

1.11. Analyze my behaviour

In order to make data-driven decisions about configuration, I need tools to analyze my behaviour. keyfreq is a great package that provides a simple way to track keybindings usage.

(straight-use-package 'keyfreq)
(setq keyfreq-excluded-commands
      '(mac-mwheel-scroll ;; mouse movement
        evil-forward-char ;; basic VIM movement
(require 'keyfreq)
(keyfreq-mode 1)
(keyfreq-autosave-mode 1)

1.12. Improve integration with clipboard

Let's enable saving existing clipboard text into kill ring before replacing it.

(setq save-interprogram-paste-before-kill t)

1.13. Load shell environment variables

EMAСS GUI for MacOS does not load shell environment variables. It's a common issue for MacOS users. exec-path-from-shell solves the problem.

(straight-use-package 'exec-path-from-shell)
(require 'exec-path-from-shell)

(add-to-list 'exec-path-from-shell-variables "LANG")
(add-to-list 'exec-path-from-shell-variables "LC_ALL")
(add-to-list 'exec-path-from-shell-variables "LC_CTYPE")


1.14. Improve minibuffer completion experience

EMACS's default minibuffer completion solutions do their job, but there are better ones. Personally, I prefer solution based on packages like vertico: in contrast to some completion frameworks like helm, vertico (and others) enchance default completion system instead of replacing it. Resulting in better integration with other EMACS features.

Let's start with vertico. It's a minimalistic vertical completion UI similar to ivy or helm. By reusing the built-in facilities system, Vertico achieves full compatibility with built-in Emacs completion commands and completion tables.

(straight-use-package 'vertico)
(setq vertico-cycle t)

Often I want to focus on commands with particular prefix. For example my- or copilot-.

(defun my-vertico-replace-with-common-prefix ()
  "Replaces current vertico input with common prefix query.

Replaces vertico input with '^str' where str is the common prefix
for candidates that starts with the first component of current
vertico input."
  (when-let* ((current-input (or (car vertico--input) (minibuffer-contents-no-properties)))
              (prefix-from-input (->> current-input
                                      (s-split " ")
                                      (s-replace "^" "")))
              (common-prefix (-some->> vertico--candidates
                               (--select (s-prefix? prefix-from-input it))
                               (--reduce (fill-common-string-prefix it acc))))
              (next-search-query (s-concat "^" common-prefix)))
    (insert next-search-query)))

(general-def :keymaps 'vertico-map
  (kbd "C-<tab>") #'my-vertico-replace-with-common-prefix)

"Emacs completion style that matches multiple regexps in any order". Sounds good!

(straight-use-package 'orderless)
(require 'orderless)

I want to use orderless exclusively. But for better compatibility with other packages I need to set completion-styles in the following way (see orderless README).

(setq completion-styles '(orderless basic))
(setq completion-category-defaults nil)
(setq completion-category-overrides '((file (styles basic partial-completion))))

consult is a great package that provides a lot of useful commands based on completing-read.

(straight-use-package 'consult)
(require 'consult)

I found that some packages use multi-occur function. So I need override it with consult-multi-occur to have better UI for related commands.

(advice-add #'multi-occur :override #'consult-multi-occur)

consult commands like consult-buffer shows "previews" of buffers (by temporary switching to them). It can potentially lead to some performance issues. To mitigate them I created this helpers. But it's better to use consult-preview-allowed-hooks for that if possible. At the moment of writing I do not use this helpers, but prefer to keep them here for a while.

(defun consult-preview-p ()
  "Return true when minibuffer in a 'consult preview' state'"
      (win (active-minibuffer-window))
    (not (eq nil (buffer-local-value 'consult--preview-function (window-buffer win))))))

(defun my-inhibit-if-consult-preview (oldfun &rest args)
  "An around advice to disable some functions in the case of consult preview"
  (unless (consult-preview-p)
    (apply oldfun args)))

While consult improves flow of common EMACS commands, marginilia improves how items displayed in completing-read by adding some extra information.

(straight-use-package 'marginalia)
(require 'marginalia)

1.15. Improve ediff experience

ediff is a great tool for comparing files and directories. But it has some weird defaults.

 ;; no extra frames!
 ediff-window-setup-function 'ediff-setup-windows-plain 
 ;; horizontal split instead of vertical
 ediff-split-window-function 'split-window-horizontally)

(require 'ediff)

1.16. Improve dired experience

File explorer is a must-have feature for any editor. EMACS has dired. But it needs to be adjusted to our setup.

Under the hood dired uses ls command to list files. But MacOS has a different version of ls that does not support some options that are used by default. So I need to use gls instead of ls on MacOS.

(setq insert-directory-program (if (eq system-type 'darwin) "gls" "ls"))

I want to see hidden files by default. And I want to see directories first.

(setq dired-listing-switches "-lah -v --group-directories-first")

When using dired on remote directories (via tramp) we usually want to use ls instead of gls.

(defun my-remote-dired-hook ()
  "Adjusts Dired behaviour in the case of remote dirs"
  (when (file-remote-p default-directory)
    (setq-local dired-actual-switches "-lah")
    (setq-local insert-directory-program "ls")))

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'my-remote-dired-hook)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook #'diff-hl-dired-mode)

And I want adjust it to Vim-style keybindings.


;; fix of evil-collection
  :states '(normal visual)
  :keymaps 'dired-mode-map

Also I want to see icons in dired. Colorful ones!

(straight-use-package 'all-the-icons-dired)
(setq all-the-icons-dired-monochrome nil)
(require 'all-the-icons-dired)
(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'all-the-icons-dired-mode)

1.17. Improve ibuffer experience

IBuffer is an integrated buffer manager for EMACS. Sometimes I use it so I need to "vimify" it and make a bit more prettier.


(straight-use-package 'all-the-icons-ibuffer)
(require 'all-the-icons-ibuffer)
(add-hook 'ibuffer-mode-hook #'all-the-icons-ibuffer-mode)

1.18. Improve internal help system

helpful is a great package that improves EMACS built-in help system.

(straight-use-package 'helpful)
(require 'helpful)


  "C-h f" #'helpful-callable
  "C-h v" #'helpful-variable
  "C-h k" #'helpful-key
  "C-h x" #'helpful-command
  "C-h F" #'helpful-function)

I prefer to use helpful-at-point instead of evil-lookup when pressing K in normal or visual modes.

;; evil uses `K` for `evil-lookup` so I need to unbind it first
(general-unbind evil-motion-state-map "K")

  :states '(normal visual)
  :keymaps 'emacs-lisp-mode-map
  "K" #'helpful-at-point)

1.19. Fix confusing buffer naming when working with files with the same name

EMACS's traditional method for making buffer names unique adds <2>, <3>, etc. to the end of (all but one) buffers. uniquify introduces more informative naming conventions.

(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'post-forward-angle-brackets)
(require 'uniquify)

1.20. Improve buffer killing flow

I found that kill-this-buffer is not very convenient for me. So I implemented my own commands that fits my needs better.

(defun my-kill-this-buffer ()
  "Kill current buffer if it isn't used in other windows or tabs. Otherwise switch to previous buffer, with a message."
  (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
    (if (or
         (delq (selected-window) (get-buffer-window-list buffer nil t))
         (tab-bar-get-buffer-tab (current-buffer) nil t))
          (message "Buffer is used in other window or tab. Switched to previous buffer."))
      (kill-buffer buffer))))

(defun my-force-kill-this-buffer ()
  "Kill current buffer unconditionally."
  (kill-buffer (current-buffer)))

(defun my-kill-other-buffers ()
  "Kill all other buffers."
  (mapc 'kill-buffer (delq (current-buffer) (buffer-list))))

1.21. Fast jumps between distant places in buffer

VIM keybindings and consult-line already allows to jump really fast between lines. But to bring "to the moon" experience here I need to add avy.

(straight-use-package 'avy)
(require 'avy)

(general-def "C-;" #'avy-goto-char)

1.22. Improve window splitting behaviour

I didn't like default window splitting behaviour. So I decided to write my own window splitting function that relies on current window aspect ratio.

(defvar my-split-window-aspect-ratio-threshold 2.0
  "If window aspect ratio lower than this
`my-split-window' will split verically.

Ratio calculated as width divided by height.")

(defun my-split-window (&optional window)
  "Alternative to `split-window-sensibly' that
relies on current window aspect ratio.

See `my-split-window-aspect-ratio-threshold'."
  (let* ((window (or window (selected-window)))
         (width (float (window-width window)))
         (height (float (window-height window)))
         (ratio (/ width height)))
    (with-selected-window window
      (if (< ratio my-split-window-aspect-ratio-threshold)

(setq split-window-preferred-function 'my-split-window)

1.23. Fast jumping between distant windows

When you have a lot of windows open, it can be annoying to jump to a distant one (e.g. window in another frame). ace-window is a great package that allows to do it quickly.

(straight-use-package 'ace-window)
(require 'ace-window)

(general-def :states '(normal visual)
  "C-w C-w" #'ace-window)

1.24. Be able to keep multiple window layouts open

Tabs in EMACS are not like tabs in other editors. They are more like a way to keep multiple window layouts open. I found them very useful when working on multiple projects or when I need to switch between different layouts quickly.

;; better visual appearance
(setq tab-bar-show 1)
(setq tab-bar-close-button-show nil)
(setq tab-bar-new-button-show nil)

;; MacOS-style keybindings
  "s-{" #'tab-bar-switch-to-prev-tab
  "s-}" #'tab-bar-switch-to-next-tab
  "s-n" #'tab-bar-duplicate-tab
  "s-t" #'tab-bar-duplicate-tab
  "s-w" #'tab-bar-close-tab
  "s-r" #'tab-bar-rename-tab)

1.25. Improve text scaling flow

text-scale-increase and text-scale-decrease are really convinient commands, but I need more!

(defun my-text-scale-0 ()
  "Text scale reset"
  (text-scale-set 0))

(defun my-text-scale-big ()
  "Toggles big text scale"
  (if (= text-scale-mode-amount 0)
      (text-scale-set 2)

1.26. Relative line numbers by default, absolute on demand

When using VIM, relative line numbers are more convinient. But when you demo something to someone or pairing via video call, it's better to switch to absolute ones.

(setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
(global-display-line-numbers-mode 1)

(defun my-switch-line-numbers-mode ()
  "Changes line numbers mode between relative and absolute"
  (if (eq display-line-numbers-type 'relative)
      (setq display-line-numbers-type t)
    (setq display-line-numbers-type 'relative))
  (display-line-numbers-mode t))

1.27. Do not show non-informative minor modes in modeline

In 99.9% cases I do not need information about these modes in my modeline.

(straight-use-package 'diminish)
(require 'diminish)

(defun diminish-minor-modes ()
  "Diminishes non-informative modeline minore-modes' entries."
  (diminish 'which-key-mode)
  (diminish 'undo-tree-mode)
  (diminish 'gcmh-mode)
  (diminish 'subword-mode)
  (with-eval-after-load 'org-indent
    (diminish 'org-indent-mode))
  (diminish 'auto-revert-mode)
  (diminish 'org-auto-tangle-mode))

(add-hook 'emacs-startup-hook #'diminish-minor-modes)

1.28. Use spaces for identation

I picked my side in the conflict.

(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)

1.29. Automatically add newline at the end of the file

Like almost all modern editors do.

(setq require-final-newline t)

1.30. Handle situation when too many file watches are added

Might be it's rude, but I decided to remove all watches when my EMACS overwhemled by them.

(defun my-rm-all-watches ()
  "Remove all existing file notification watches from EMACS."
   (lambda (key _value)
     (file-notify-rm-watch key))

1.31. Distiguish between different pairs of delimiters

When doing Lisp programming or some complex math expressions it's very important to distinguish between different pairs of delimiters. rainbow-delimiters solves the problem.

(straight-use-package 'rainbow-delimiters)
(require 'rainbow-delimiters)

1.32. Deal with pairs smarter

Oh… smartparens… still struggling to use it properly. But I'm not ready to give up!

(straight-use-package 'smartparens)
(require 'smartparens-config)

1.33. Make regular expessions in this config more readable

Regular expessions are powerful, but hard to read. EMACS Lisp regular expressions are even harder to read because of double escaping. But we have rx macro that makes them much more readable. So when I adopt snippets from other sources I try to rewrite them using rx. In order to do that simpler I use xr to generate rx expressions from string representations.

(straight-use-package 'xr)
(require 'xr)

1.34. Open files in existing instance of EMACS

Server mode allows to open files in existing EMACS instance from the command line.


1.35. Define basic leader keybindings

I really like the idea of having a leader key flow for essential commands. It makes keybindings more consistent and easier to discover when I forget them. Here I set foundation and bind the most essential commands.

This subsection comes last. It's more natural to have them in one place in the scope of this section because it allows to see all of them at once.

  "a" '(:ignore t :which-key "app")
  "a u" #'undo-tree-visualize

  "b" '(:ignore t :which-key "buffer")
  "b b" #'consult-buffer
  "b k" #'my-kill-this-buffer
  "b K" #'my-force-kill-this-buffer
  "b C-k" #'my-kill-other-buffers
  "b n" #'next-buffer
  "b p" #'previous-buffer
  "b i" #'ibuffer

  "B" '(:ignore t :which-key "bookmark")
  "B m" #'bookmark-set
  "B B" #'consult-bookmark
  "b x" #'bookmark-delete
  "B C-x" #'bookmark-delete-all

  "b d" #'dired-jump

  "c" '(:ignore t :which-key "code")

  "e" '(:ignore t :which-key "edit")
  "e s" #'smartparens-mode
  "e [" #'show-smartparens-mode
  "e p" #'consult-yank-from-kill-ring

  "f" '(:ignore t :which-key "file")
  "f f" #'find-file
  "f r" #'consult-recent-file

  "j" '(:ignore t :which-key "jump")
  "j j" #'consult-imenu

  "m" '(:ignore t :which-key "mode")

  "p" '(:ignore t :which-key "project")

  "s" '(:ignore t :which-key "search")

  "t" '(:ignore t :which-key "toggles")
  "t +" #'text-scale-increase
  "t -" #'text-scale-decrease
  "t =" #'my-text-scale-0
  "t b" #'my-text-scale-big

  "t l" #'toggle-truncate-lines
  "t w" #'toggle-word-wrap

  "t n" #'my-switch-line-numbers-mode

  "u" '(:ignore t :which-key "utils")
  "u f" #'my-what-the-face-mode
  "u k" #'keyfreq-show
  "u C-k" #'keyfreq-reset

2. Make it an IDE

This section is about adding features that make EMACS more like an IDE. It's language-agnostic and focused on general features that are useful for any programming language.

2.1. Project management and search

When possible I prefer to use built-in EMACS features. project.el is good enough for me, so I use it. It keymap starts with C-x p and I often use it as is, but I also want to have essential commands under my leader keymap.

  "SPC" #'project-find-file
  "p p" #'project-switch-project
  "p b" #'consult-project-buffer
  "p k" #'project-kill-buffers)

Sometimes I need to copy current position in the project in order to share with someone or for my notes.

(defun my-copy-file-path-relative-to-project-root ()
  "Copy the current buffer's file path and line number relative to the project root into the kill ring."
  (if-let ((file-path (buffer-file-name))
           (project-root (when (project-current) (expand-file-name (project-root (project-current)))))
           (line-number (line-number-at-pos))
           (relative-path (format "%s:%d" (file-relative-name file-path project-root) line-number)))
        (kill-new relative-path)
        (message "Copied: %s" relative-path))
    (message "No file associated with buffer or not in a project.")))

  "p y" #'my-copy-file-path-relative-to-project-root)

Search is a very important part of any IDE. ripgrep is my current favourite search tool. I prefer to use consult-ripgrep as a simple frontend and rg as a tool for more complex search scenarios.

(straight-use-package 'rg)
(require 'rg)


  "p s" #'consult-ripgrep
  "p S" #'rg-menu)

2.2. Saving and loading bookmark lists

I usually use bookmarks to remember places in the code that related to my current task. When I work on multiple things during the day I do not want to mix bookmarks for different tasks. So I need some bookmark lists management solution.

(defvar my-bookmarks-directory
  (expand-file-name "bookmarks" no-littering-var-directory)
  "Directory where bookmark lists are stored.")

(unless (file-directory-p my-bookmarks-directory)
  (make-directory my-bookmarks-directory))

(defun my-bookmark-list--files ()
  "Return a list of bookmark files in `my-bookmarks-directory`."
  (directory-files my-bookmarks-directory t ".*\\.el"))

(defun my-bookmark-list-save ()
  "Prompt for a bookmark file and save bookmarks to it."
  (let* ((selected-file (consult--read
                         :prompt "Save bookmarks to file: "
                         :require-match nil
                         :category 'file))
         (selected-file-with-ext (if (string-suffix-p ".el" selected-file t)
                                   (concat selected-file ".el")))
         (file (expand-file-name selected-file-with-ext my-bookmarks-directory)))
    (bookmark-write-file file)))

(defun my-bookmark-list-load ()
  "Prompt for a bookmark file and load bookmarks from it."
  (let* ((selected-file (consult--read
                         :prompt "Load bookmarks from file: "
                         :require-match t
                         :category 'file))
         (file (expand-file-name selected-file my-bookmarks-directory)))
    (bookmark-load file)))
(defun my-bookmark-list-delete ()
  "Prompt for a bookmark file and delete it."
  (let* ((selected-file (consult--read
                         :prompt "Delete bookmark file: "
                         :require-match t
                         :category 'file))
         (file (expand-file-name selected-file my-bookmarks-directory)))
    (delete-file file)
    (message "Deleted: %s" file)))

  "B s" #'my-bookmark-list-save
  "B l" #'my-bookmark-list-load
  "B D" #'my-bookmark-list-delete)

2.3. Fast access to favourite files

I have a list of files that I use very often. I want to have fast and easy access to them.

(defvar my-favourite-files
  "Important files list")

(defun my-open-favourite-file ()
  "Select and open an important file from my-important-files"
  (find-file (consult--read
              :prompt "Favourite files: "
              :category 'file
              :sort nil)))

  "f F" #'my-open-favourite-file)

2.4. Git support

magit is the best git client. Period. One of the reasons why I cannot quit using EMACS.

(straight-use-package 'magit)
(require 'magit)

;; word-granularity diff highlighting
(setq magit-diff-refine-hunk t)


  "g" '(:ignore t :which-key "git")
  "g SPC" #'magit-dispatch
  "g g" #'magit-status
  "g b" #'magit-blame)

By default magit has no syntax highlighting for diffs. It can be fixed using magit-delta. Initially I used this article Using git-delta with Magit to set it up.

(straight-use-package 'magit-delta)
(require 'magit-delta)

(setq magit-delta-default-dark-theme "Nord")

(add-hook 'magit-mode-hook (lambda () (magit-delta-mode +1)))

diff-hl is an essential package that highlights changes in the fringe of the buffer.

(straight-use-package 'diff-hl)
(setq diff-hl-show-staged-changes nil)
(require 'diff-hl)


I need support for git-related files. git-modes provides it.

(straight-use-package 'git-modes)
(require 'git-modes)

Sometimes I can use EMACS's built-in vc package. So I need to "vimify" it.


2.5. Terminal support

Usually I use a separate terminal emulator, but sometimes I need to use terminal started from EMACS. In a such case I prefer to use vterm.

(straight-use-package 'vterm)
(require 'vterm)


  "a t" #'vterm)

2.6. Enable autocompletion

Autocompletion is a must-have feature for any IDE. I prefer to use corfu and cape because they have better integration with EMACS built-in completion system.

First step is to enable corfu.

(straight-use-package 'corfu)
(setq corfu-auto t
      corfu-preview-current nil
      corfu-auto-delay 1.0)
(require 'corfu)


;; while in autocompletion press <tab> to mimic orderless behaviour
;; (orderless search by multiple regexps in any order)
(general-def :keymaps 'corfu-map
  (kbd "<tab>") #'corfu-insert-separator)

corfu has several extensions. I need fancy popup with documentation!

(require 'corfu-popupinfo)
(setq corfu-popupinfo-delay (cons 0.5 0.1))

  "t p" #'corfu-popupinfo-mode)

UI can be improved by adding icons to the completion popup.

(straight-use-package 'kind-icon)
(require 'kind-icon)

(add-to-list 'corfu-margin-formatters #'kind-icon-margin-formatter)

And now it's time to enable cape and bind my auto-completion flow to C-<tab>-based keybindings.

(straight-use-package 'cape)
(require 'cape)

(add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-dabbrev)
(add-to-list 'completion-at-point-functions #'cape-file)

(general-def :keymaps 'evil-insert-state-map
  "C-<tab> C-<tab>" #'completion-at-point
  "C-<tab> f" #'cape-file
  "C-<tab> d" #'cape-dabbrev
  "C-<tab> w" #'cape-dict
  "C-<tab> l" #'cape-line)

2.7. Enable snippets

Snippets are very useful when you need to write a lot of boilerplate. But someone's snippets are useless for me - I need to write my own in order to remember them better. I haven't found yasnippet's format and approach inconvenient and found tempel.

I like Lisp-data format for snippets and being able to add multiple templates in one file for multiple modes. So I can define snippets in a tangled code block in this document, especially in language-specific subsections. It's much better for me than yasnippet's approach with separate files for each snippet.

(straight-use-package 'tempel)
(setq tempel-path '("~/.emacs.d/templates.eld" "~/.emacs.d/templates_private.eld"))
(require 'tempel)

(defun my-tempel-setup-capf ()
  "Add the Tempel Capf to the beginning of `completion-at-point-functions'."
  (setq-local completion-at-point-functions
              (cons #'tempel-complete
                    (remove 'tempel-complete completion-at-point-functions))))

(add-hook 'conf-mode-hook 'my-tempel-setup-capf)
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'my-tempel-setup-capf)
(add-hook 'text-mode-hook 'my-tempel-setup-capf)
(add-hook 'eglot-managed-mode-hook 'my-tempel-setup-capf)

  "e s" #'tempel-insert)

Global snippets (templates.eld):

fundamental-mode ;; Available everywhere

(today (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d"))


(fixme (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "FIXME ")
(todo (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "TODO ")
(bug (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "BUG ")
(hack (if (derived-mode-p 'emacs-lisp-mode) ";; " comment-start) "HACK ")

2.8. Enable Language Server support

Language Servers support is a must-have feature for any modern IDE. I prefer to use eglot because it has better integration with EMACS built-in completion system and other features.

(straight-use-package 'eglot)
(setq jsonrpc-default-request-timeout 20) ;; for heavy projects
(require 'eglot)

LSP-powered project-wide symbol search can be very useful:

(straight-use-package 'consult-eglot)
(require 'consult-eglot)

  "j SPC" #'consult-eglot-symbols)

By default xref reuses the same buffer for results. But I want to create a new xref buffer for each "find references" command.

(defun my-xref-find-references-with-new-buffer (orig-fun &rest args)
  "An around advice to create a new xref buffer for each `xref-find-references' command."
  (let ((xref-buffer-name (format "%s %s" xref-buffer-name (symbol-at-point))))
    (apply orig-fun args)))

(advice-add 'xref-find-references :around #'my-xref-find-references-with-new-buffer)

2.9. Retrieve secrets from passwod manager

For CLI apps and EMACS I prefer to use pass as a password manager instead of 1Password or alternatives. I need to have a convinient way to retrieve secrets from it.

(defun my-get-pass (name)
  "Retrieve secret under NAME from Pass."
  (let ((pass-command (concat "pass " name)))
    (string-trim (shell-command-to-string pass-command))))

2.10. Opt-in switch to GitHub Copilot completion

Copilot is a code completion engine that uses OpenAI's GPT. In some cases it significantly improves my productivity. I prefer to not mix it with other completion engines and use it as a separate one by switching to it when needed.

(straight-use-package '(copilot :host github :repo "copilot-emacs/copilot.el" :files ("*.el")))

;; copilot.el requires nodejs to be installed, but I don't want to
;; install it globally so I'm using Nix to link non-globally installed
;; nodejs binaries to ~/.emacs.d/nodejs-bin
(setq exec-path (append exec-path
                        (list (s-concat (getenv "HOME") "/.emacs.d/nodejs-bin"))))
(setq copilot-indent-offset-warning-disable t)
(require 'copilot)

(defun toggle-copilot ()
  "Toggles between Copilot and Corfu completion engines."
  (if corfu-mode
        ;; close auto-completion popup if enabled
        (corfu-mode -1)
        (copilot-mode 1)
        (message "Copilot enabled"))
      (copilot-mode -1)
      (corfu-mode 1)
      (message "Copilot disabled"))))

  "t c" #'toggle-copilot)

  "s-j" #'toggle-copilot)

  :states '(insert)
  :keymaps 'copilot-mode-map
  "s-<return>" #'copilot-accept-completion
  "C-s-<return>" #'copilot-accept-completion-by-word
  "C-s-j" #'copilot-next-completion
  "C-s-k" #'copilot-previous-completion)

2.11. Get assistance from LLMs

It's convenient to have an ability to get assistance from LLMs without leaving EMACS. gptel is a package that allows to do it. I have to load it after markdown-mode because I want my GPT sessions in Markdown format.

(straight-use-package 'gptel)
(setq-default gptel-model "gpt-4o")
(setq gptel-api-key (my-get-pass "openai/api_key"))

(with-eval-after-load 'markdown-mode
  (require 'gptel)

  (add-hook 'gptel-mode-hook #'toggle-word-wrap))

  "a g" #'gptel)

2.12. REST client

Often using CURL is not convinient but Postman is overkill. So I need some simple and declarative way to describe HTTP requests and run them. restclient do the job and I haven't found any better package for this.

(straight-use-package 'restclient)
(require 'restclient)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             `(,(rx ".restclient" eos) . restclient-mode))

2.13. Support direnv environments

direnv is a great tool that allows to manage directory-local environments and hooks. I need to have a convinient way to load them in EMACS. envrc is a package that does the job.

It should be loaded as late as possible because:

> It's probably wise to do this late in your startup sequence: you normally want envrc-mode to be initialized in each buffer before other minor modes like flycheck-mode which might look for executables. Counter-intuitively, this means that envrc-global-mode should be enabled after other global minor modes, since each prepends itself to various hooks. (From

(straight-use-package 'envrc)
(require 'envrc)

(add-hook 'after-init-hook #'envrc-global-mode)

2.14. Open fancy dashboard on startup

Usually IDEs have a welcome screen that shows recent projects etc. I found dashboard package that does the same for EMACS.

;; install optional requirements
(straight-use-package 'page-break-lines)
(require 'page-break-lines)

(straight-use-package 'all-the-icons)
(require 'all-the-icons)

(straight-use-package 'dashboard)
(setq dashboard-startup-banner "~/.emacs.d/logo.png")
(require 'dashboard)


3. Make it work with…

Now it's time to add support for specific languages and tools. I prefer to configure them in separate subsections.

3.1. Nix

I use nix for development shells and declarative package & dotfiles management.

(straight-use-package 'nix-ts-mode)
(require 'nix-ts-mode)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             `(,(rx ".nix" eos) . nix-ts-mode))

(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
             '(nix-ts-mode . ("nixd")))
(add-hook 'nix-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

3.2. Elixir

Elixir is my favourite programming language. I prefer to use tree-sitter-based modes for it.

(straight-use-package 'heex-ts-mode)
(require 'heex-ts-mode)

(straight-use-package 'elixir-ts-mode)
(require 'elixir-ts-mode)

(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
             '(elixir-ts-mode . ("lexical")))
(add-hook 'elixir-ts-mode-hook

I need to have a convinient way to run tests from EMACS.

(straight-use-package 'exunit)
(require 'exunit)

(add-hook 'elixir-ts-mode-hook #'exunit-mode)

Language-specific leader keybindings:

  :keymaps 'elixir-ts-mode-map
  :major-modes t
  "m" '(:ignore t :which-key "elixir")
  "m t" #'exunit-transient)

Snippets for templates.eld:


(desc "describe \"" (s name) "\" do" n>
      r> n>
      "end" >)

(test "test \"" (s name) "\" do" n>
      r> n>
      "end" >)

(def "def " (s name) "(" (s args) ") do" n>
     r> n>
     "end" >)

(defp "defp " (s name) "(" (s args) ") do" n>
      r> n>
      "end" >)

(defm "defmodule " (s name) " do" n>
      r> n>
      "end" >)

(defts "defmodule " (s name) " do" n>
       "use TypedStruct" n>
       "typedstruct " (s opts) "do" n>
       r> n>
       "end" n>
       "end" >)


(div "<div>" r> "</div>")
(divc "<div class=\"" (s classes) "\">" n>
      r> n>
      "</div>" >)

(p "<p>" r> "</p>")
(strong "<strong>" r> "</strong>")
(h1 "<h1>" r> "</h1>")
(h2 "<h2>" r> "</h2>")
(h3 "<h3>" r> "</h3>")
(h4 "<h4>" r> "</h4>")
(h5 "<h5>" r> "</h5>")
(h6 "<h6>" r> "</h6>")

3.3. EMACS Lisp

This whole configuration is about EMACS Lisp, so I need to take care of convinient development experience. Enabling rainbow delimiters is a must have for parentheses-heavy language.

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook #'rainbow-delimiters-mode)

3.4. Ruby

Ruby was my favorite programming language before Elixir. I still use it, like it and need to have a good support for it.

Unfortunately ruby-mode still has better syntax highlighting then ruby-ts-mode.

(require 'ruby-mode)
(add-hook 'ruby-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

Support for RSpec and Minitest are essential.

(straight-use-package 'rspec-mode)
(require 'rspec-mode)

(straight-use-package 'minitest)
(require 'minitest)

Language-specific leader keybindings:

  :keymaps 'ruby-mode-map
  :major-modes t
  "m" '(:ignore t :which-key "ruby")
  "m t" #'rspec-mode-keymap
  "m m" '(:ignore t :which-key "minitest")
  "m m v" #'minitest-verify
  "m m s" #'minitest-verify-single
  "m m t" #'minitest-toggle-test-and-target
  "m m r" #'minitest-rerun
  "m m a" #'minitest-verify-all)

3.5. JSON

JSON files are everywhere! I prefer to use tree-sitter-based mode instead of built-in js-json-mode.

(add-to-list 'major-mode-remap-alist '(js-json-mode . json-ts-mode))

3.6. YAML

YAML files are everywhere too! I prefer to use built-in tree-sitter-based mode.

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,(rx ".ya" (? "m") "l" eos) . yaml-ts-mode))

3.7. ORG

Org-mode is the decent way to write notes, documentation and even this config. It's already loaded earlier in this document so here I just tailor it to my needs.

(setq org-startup-indented t
      org-src-preserve-indentation t
      org-html-head-include-scripts nil
      org-pretty-entities t)


(add-hook 'org-src-mode-hook #'evil-insert-state)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'toggle-word-wrap)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'toggle-truncate-lines)

In this config I use auto-tangling but it's not built-in feature. So I need to add it.

(straight-use-package 'org-auto-tangle)
(require 'org-auto-tangle)

(add-hook 'org-mode-hook #'org-auto-tangle-mode)

When using this awesome HTML export setup I want my codeblock to be properly highlighted. I need to setup htmlize.

(straight-use-package 'htmlize)
(require 'htmlize)

Snippets (templates.eld):


(src "#+BEGIN_SRC " (s lang) n>
     r> n>

(elisp "#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp" n>
       r> n>

(shell "#+BEGIN_SRC shell" n>
       r> n>

(snip "#+BEGIN_SRC lisp-data :tangle templates.eld" n>
      r> n>

3.8. Markdown

Markdown is (the most?) popular format for technical documentation.

I want to have idirect editing of code blocks like in org-mode. So I need to install edit-indirect package as stated in markdown-mode README.

(straight-use-package 'edit-indirect)
(require 'edit-indirect)

And now we can setup markdown-mode:

(straight-use-package 'markdown-mode)
(setq markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively t)
(require 'markdown-mode)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             `(,(rx "" eos) . gfm-mode))

Some of my projects have a really big README file so I need markdown-toc in order to generate a table of contents.

(straight-use-package 'markdown-toc)
(setq markdown-toc-indentation-space 2)
(require 'markdown-toc)

Last but not least - mode-specific keybindings:

  :keymaps 'markdown-mode-map
  :major-modes t
  "m" '(:ignore t :which-key "markdown")
  "m t" '(:ignore t :which-key "toggle")
  "m t t" #'markdown-toggle-markup-hiding
  "m t s" #'markdown-toggle-fontify-code-blocks-natively
  "m t i" #'markdown-toggle-inline-images
  "m t m" #'markdown-toggle-math
  "m t u" #'markdown-toggle-url-hiding
  "m t w" #'markdown-toggle-wiki-links
  "m T" #'markdown-toc-generate-or-refresh-toc
  "m P" #'plantuml-preview-current-block)

3.9. Docker

It's hard to avoid Docker in modern development. Unfortunately. So I need Dockerfile support and prefer to use tree-sitter-based solution.

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             (cons (rx (any "/\\")
                       (or "Containerfile" "Dockerfile")
                       (opt "."
                             (not (any "/\\"))))

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,(rx ".dockerfile" eos) . dockerfile-ts-mode))

(add-hook 'dockerfile-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

Also it's convinient to have a way to inspect Docker containers and images using some EMACS UI.

(straight-use-package 'docker)
(require 'docker)


  "a d" #'docker)

3.10. Earthly

Earthly is a modern mix of Make and Docker. I used it in some of my projects.

(straight-use-package 'earthfile-mode)
(require 'earthfile-mode)

3.11. Terrafrom

Terraform is my favourite "infrastructure as code" tool.

(straight-use-package 'terraform-mode)
(require 'terraform-mode)

(add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs
             '(terraform-mode . ("terraform-ls" "serve")))

(add-hook 'terraform-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

TODO: use tree-sitter-based mode

3.12. Go

I can write Go code. And sometimes I need to do it. Built-in tree-sitter-based modes are my choice.

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             `(,(rx ".go" eos) . go-ts-mode))
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist
             `(,(rx (any "/\\") "go.mod" eos) . go-mod-ts-mode))

(add-hook 'go-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

I prefer to be able to run tests from EMACS.

(straight-use-package 'gotest)
(require 'gotest)

Language-specific leader keybindings:

  :keymaps 'go-ts-mode-map
  :major-modes t
  "m" '(:ignore t :which-key "go")
  "m t" '(:ignore t :which-key "gotest")
  "m t v" #'go-test-current-file
  "m t s" #'go-test-current-test
  "m t a" #'go-test-current-project)

3.13. Python

I can write Python. And sometimes I need to do it. Built-in tree-sitter-based mode is my choice.

(add-to-list 'major-mode-remap-alist '(python-mode . python-ts-mode))

(add-hook 'python-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

3.14. Mastodon

I want to try to use Mastodon because I don't like Twitter or Facebook or Instagram etc. I believe that it's better to invest time in social platforms that are not about ads and tracking.

(straight-use-package 'mastodon)
(setq mastodon-instance-url ""
      mastodon-active-user "ffloyd")
(require 'mastodon)

Default timeline is not fancy enough for me.

(straight-use-package '(mastodon-alt :type git :host github :repo "rougier/mastodon-alt"))
(require 'mastodon-alt)


3.15. JS/TS(X)

Sadly, the most popular programming language is JavaScript. Fortunately, we have TypeScript that makes it better. Writing JS/TS(X) code is unavoidable for me and I need to have a support for it.

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,(rx ".js" (? "x") eos) . js-ts-mode))
(add-hook 'js-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,(rx ".ts" eos) . typescript-ts-mode))
(add-hook 'typescript-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist `(,(rx ".tsx" eos) . tsx-ts-mode))
(add-hook 'tsx-ts-mode-hook #'eglot-ensure)

Author: Roman Kolesnev

Created: 2024-05-31 Fri 19:01
